prediction about December 2012 talking about the end of the world .I was shocked by some of
them because they were really near to reality or they give possible
explanations about the end, any way I had a strong believe that this won't
happen depending on my religious
thoughts that gave me convinced
explanations about the end, telling me
not really exactly when the end, but at least not yet.

If we
consider the things that threaten our planet we can see that they need a period
of time to at least destroy the live on the planet.for example the global warming
is really an indicator that there is an end for the planet but it needs a long
time to be a threaten issue. the nuclear war is faster than global warming in
accelerating the end of the earth because it's more destroyable and has various
effects .but also will not destroy the whole planet but the nuclear dust is
really a serious impact .as scientist say that would be an atomic dust because
of the war this dust would gather in the atmosphere preventing the heat that
would freeze the planet and make it impossible to surviving on also that would
take time even it is the fastest it is still not the (21 12 2012).
religion talk a lot about the doomsday until you think that it would be
tomorrow but it tell us that doomsday will not come until harbinger signs happen .the harbinger signs divided into two parts small
harbinger signs and big harbinger signs the small ones most of them had
occurred but five big ones none of them has happened yet .they are five ones
one of them the coming back of jesses to earth to make justice finally sun will
rise from the sunset until that nothing will happen.
Today is the 21st of December 2012 and I am still posting
nothing happened so still we can't say that the idea of the end of the world is
wrong but giving a specific time is really wrong .despite of that we will still
talking about an end but we would talk through a scientific and religious sides
we also would share our believe about what we thing about doomsday and what is