
Friday, December 21, 2012

The 21st of December 2012 (The doomsday)

Many prediction about December 2012 talking about the  end of the world .I was shocked by some of them because they were really near to reality or they give possible explanations about the end, any way I had a strong believe that this won't happen depending on  my religious thoughts that gave me convinced  explanations about the end, telling me  not really exactly when the end, but at least not yet.

Some of the predictions talk that would be an end in 21st of December 2012 others says it would be the beginning of the end . In my opinion the beginning of the end is a possible speculation because it's difficult to imagine that the earth we live on for unknown time would end in a moment .despite that we can believe of the beginning of the end ,because we can consider factors that will make the earth vanish with an unknown time not in a specific time .
If we consider the things that threaten our planet we can see that they need a period of time to at least destroy the live on the planet.for example the global warming is really an indicator that there is an end for the planet but it needs a long time to be a threaten issue. the nuclear war is faster than global warming in accelerating the end of the earth because it's more destroyable and has various effects .but also will not destroy the whole planet but the nuclear dust is really a serious impact .as scientist say that would be an atomic dust because of the war this dust would gather in the atmosphere preventing the heat that would freeze the planet and make it impossible to surviving on also that would take time even it is the fastest it is still not the (21 12 2012).

Islamic religion talk a lot about the doomsday until you think that it would be tomorrow but it tell us that doomsday will not come until harbinger signs  happen .the harbinger signs divided into two parts small harbinger signs and big harbinger signs the small ones most of them had occurred but five big ones none of them has happened yet .they are five ones one of them the coming back of jesses to earth to make justice finally sun will rise from the sunset until that nothing will happen.
Today is the 21st of December 2012 and I am still posting nothing happened so still we can't say that the idea of the end of the world is wrong but giving a specific time is really wrong .despite of that we will still talking about an end but we would talk through a scientific and religious sides we also would share our believe about what we thing about doomsday and what is after.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

He is the ONE.

I feel that I want to cry. missing my important things, no body cares about me,everyone pointing at me because of mistakes,mistakes can't be avoided.when not reaching to a point or a position,when every body ignores me saying words hurts me without caring about my respond,when I celebrate my birthday with no great from a single person in this planet.I reach to a point that I am alone.

loneliness is scared. I feel that. But there is a call saying. You're not alone...there is one always with you. Caring about you when sick.share you when happy. make your live the best. There is one.there is one. who is this one.y aah I knew this one.He is the only one.he is the one.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


bakr saleh ..playing with bobby

Bobby is my intelligent helpful dog. To tell you the truth, he’s my best friend. All my friends laugh at me saying "you didn't find friend except this dog". But I believe that Bobby is the most honest friend I have ever had. Furthermore he helps us at home more than you can imagine.

Bobby, who is a funny beautiful dog, is an honest guard. He is white with a thick tail. His sensitive ears make him like a spy aircraft. He spends the night going around the house, barking if he notices a stranger or lying in the yard watching us. Furthermore, he makes fun with the children. Likewise, he moves in mysterious ways that get them curious.

What make us like him stronger are his smart helpful favors. He always watches every single movement we make. For example, I can't forget the day I lost my cell phone, but bobby guided me to the yard where I forget it. Furthermore,
when there is something wrong in the kitchen he warns us by barking and pointing with his head to the kitchen. We like him so much that we can't let him go away.
The moment I'm writing he seemed like he said "Whatever you write about me, you can't be perfect. I am your friend forever" I stopped writing and replied "We sometimes change our minds about you, dogs. We hit you, don't care about you, we also forget your great favors.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Variety of Religions

A set of clues, believes and thoughts that show you who are you and where are you going. Guide you to a happy live, a way of understanding the past and take benefits to avoid being in mistakes in the future and knowing the reason of being in this life. There are thousands of religions on the surface of the earth. Every group of people has their own religion, because of the difference of the way of thinking, the environment and nature of the place where created. There are group of religions that they are quite similar, this depends on the way they created and the people who are practicing.
The religions that created by people called man-made religions. Hundreds of man-made religions are there in the world the major religions in this field are Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism. They were created to organize the way of life of people in a particular place in the world, so rule methods of life such as how to marry ,the way of burying the person were made in this kind of religions to make a butter life to this group of people.
God has sent his messengers to human to show him the right way of living in this disunderstandable planet. Because it used to be difficult to people to believe easily of god’s messengers. The one kind of religion sent by god has divided into many kinds of religion depending on the way of everyone understands the messenger and the book.
Overall, all human beings agree that all kinds of religions behave the person to be a good creature. But they disagree about how to live peacefully on this planet. To overcome the problem we should invite to our own religions proudly with the respect of other religions. We can tell the people about our own religion politely and to have a great respect of “TO EACH HIS OWN”.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What do you feel when you visit a place for the first time?

    When I was about seven year-old child I visited Taiz, which is in Yemen, I felt something strange. I felt that I have been there before. although I am sure that it was the first time to me to be there. Additionally I have never seen it even on TV. This place is familiar to me, but I am baffled by what was happening to me. I told my father who was accompanying me in that trip .He replied to me just enjoy your trip. I didn't say anything but I still remember that event.